Monday, December 28, 2009

Home made Pizza????

One of my favorite things to make is PIZZA!!! I know I could just order Papa John’s or Pizza Hut, but there is some thing nice about making a pizza truly my way!!! Maybe this goes back to childhood memories. My mom would buy pre-made pizza dough from the store. My brother and I would fight over dough space. I always wanted extra extra cheese while he obsessed over black olives. I have fond memories of sleepovers where my friends and I were so excited at our accomplishment of making pizza. Everyone got the topping they wanted without argue. It was almost as much fun as making ice cream sundaes. It would be more fun, but pizza doesn’t give a very good sugar high.

Even today, I always keep pre-made dough in my fridge or instant pizza dough in my pantry. This is just a staple for me. Sometimes, I go all gourmet and make a Florentine pizza with chevre (goat cheese) and fresh tomatoes topped with a sun side up egg. Other times, like tonight, I make a simple pepperoni pizza with salad. Tonight, I made a super easy salad that was full of flavor. It seemed quite decadent despite the fact that there were only 6 ingredients.

Arugula and Goat Cheese Salad with a Truffle Champagne Vinaigrette

1 tsp of Champagne Vinegar

¼ cup of olive oil

1 clove of zested garlic

Truffle salt to taste (I love SALTY so my measurement is not the most accurate)

2 cups of arugula

Goat cheese..... crumbled

Whisk the champagne vinegar, oil, garlic, and truffle salt to taste. When the vinaigrette is created, toss the argula in the dressing. Top the dressed argula with goat cheese.

The great thing about this salad is argula. When dressed, it does not wilt as fast as most salads. This is a great salad to consider when entertaining BECAUSE you can make the salad well in advance. If you would like another element, then add some crunch. I recommend adding walnuts

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