Friday, September 28, 2012

"Jiro Dreams of Sushi" and now I can't stop craving it either

Now reader, friend, internet and/or the vast emptiness, I don't know if you know this about me.  But in a past life (college),  I was the chair of Independent and Foreign films.  So, I love MOVIES.  This is actually how I met my husband (holy smoke I feel old).  Now, this is all a long story for another day/ blog.  However, I wanted to explain how a night in watching art-house films is a total date night for me...not just an excuse to stay in pj's or pure laziness.
Thanks Mike for the Netflix!!!!
So, my husband found the documentary "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" on Netflix and saved it is his memory bank for a nice date night in.  I had heard of this documentary on NPR i think way back but totally forgot about it. Additionally, the film it has a 99% from critics and 93% from viewers on rotton tomatoes.  therfore, you don't have to take my typed words for the critical reviews......

Therefore, we curdle up in bed (get your heads out of the gutter) with "Jiro Dreams of Sushi" for our date night in.

81 minutes later....
I was in love!!!!  I have always wanted to go to Japan.  But now I must go and get $300 per person sushi.  That is about 15 courses in 20 minutes for $300. Yup- I am going to blow that budget. Wow, I am getting a head of myself.
The film follows Jiro the 85 year old owner of  Sukiyabashi Jiro, a 10 sit sushi bar (no appetizers here).  This man makes sushi into an art. He takes as well as teaches his sons and apprentices to take the time and care in every step of making sushi.  From only buying the best and most flavorful fish from a select few high end vendors to massaging the octopus for HOUR..yes hours on end. Hours and hours go into perfecting everything from the fish to the rice.  This attention to detail and time intense preparations are why the restaurant is so expensive and books up months in advice.
The film also spends time to flush out Jiro backstory and his legacy not just his incredible ability to procede some of the world's best sushi.  Jiro's oldest son who will take over Sukiyabashi Jiro works along side his father and faces the press of living up to his father immense talent.  Jiro's younger son after years of training left to start his own sushi restaurant very similiar to his fathers.  This incredible story is  moving about sushi and the time and care that goes into making it as well as the man, Jiro, his life, dedication and family.

The problem with watching a food documentary is then all you want is the sushi or the food in the documentary.  So have sushi on standby....
Sidenote- This film is available on Netflix and Amazon Instant Prime.

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